Welcome To Whitehorse United FC !!

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    Club News:

    Coaching Sessions November 7-8th

    many of you know we are trying to offer as much support to our coaches as we can. So on November 7th and 8th, we are putting on another set of coaching courses. As a youth coach this indoor, or former coach, you'll know there has been lesson plans handed out, and you...

    October Coaching Sessions

    HI folks! This is a reminder that next week October 6th and 7th Neil Sedgewick is putting on a few coaching sessions at the CGC. I have created a google form for signup so we have an idea of attendance. Please fill out if you are able to attend. I have also attached...

    Soccer Gear Swap!

    Where? Sport Yukon Building When? Friday March 26th drop off gear between 5-9pm Saturday March 27th GEAR SWAP 8am-8:30pm(see schedule under gear swap section) DROP OFF Please bring any old **good condition** (indoor or outdoor) soccer shoes, or shin pads. Because we...

    Toonie “Tournament” Weekend

      This is an overview of the operational plan for the 2021 Toonie Tournament Fundraiser. The event will be held at the Canada Games Center on November 26th, 27th, & 28th Arriving at CGC ● Players should arrive dressed to play under winter gear ● Teams meet on...

    First Day Info

    Hi Folks, Monday October the 25th is the first official day of soccer! Some of you may be wondering what to expect. So here's some of that information.  *subject to change, this information is true as of October 21st 2:00pm* All schedules have been posted onto...

    Head Coach Announcement

    Whitehorse United FC are honoured to introduce our new Club Head Coach, Edgar Musonda.   Edgar has extensive football knowledge from all over the world, working in  recreation and sports development programs for over 20 years. His coaching and understanding of the...


    This year WUFC would like to introduce an exciting new opportunity for girls born between 2011-2004. We are calling this program Futures.    It is a well established fact that team sport involvement supports positive mental health. It’s also been demonstrated...

    2021 Indoor Registration

    https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/285485 A few tidbits of info: -It is currently set to open at 6:00a.m. tomorrow September 1st!  -I have also attached the master schedule which should give you all slightly more clear visual on the indoor season! -If you see A or B this...